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The Ave.

This project is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for enduring change. With thoughtful investment, we can begin to correct decades of neglect and create a more equitable and inclusive city for all residents.  



The Ave. is more than just a building.  It’s a programmatic response to transforming a community. The intensification and extensification of development will create opportunity, generate wealth, and drive population growth for decades.

West Humboldt Park needs a destination where residents can shop, get supportive services, and a place to gather. The building is designed to be a welcoming and comfortable place for its residents. By developing a number of city-owned and land bank-owned parcels on this section of Chicago Ave, we will increase the safety and security of the neighborhood with increased programmatic diversity. Additional private partnerships have been made in an effort to revitalize the existing retail and create a new Chicago Ave corridor.


Our vision goes well beyond the 3601 W. Chicago Avenue site. Our strategy Is to create a vision for a 10-block stretch along Chicago Avenue between Hamlin and Homan Avenue. We are looking to create a development node at Hamlin, Central Park and Holman Avenues and an infill strategy in between. The development team has also had extensive discussions with select property owners for façade Improvements and renovation of key buildings between these nodes.


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